Tuesday, September 23, 2014

No playing games? No problem, join the Slow Roll

Oooh scary!
Even Barry comes out to ride.
Who needs to play Strat? Maybe Bill to make up games, but not Jimmy. Jimmy found 3000+ new people to hang out with and bike around the city of Detroit. Look up the Slow Roll online or catch the Apple commercial during games. The Slow Roll meets every Monday night at different locations (usually a bar although most people bring a few to roll with) each week. See sweet sights like homeless people, ruin porn, neighborhoods you would never go into (even if you were in a car) and maybe (like last night) come across some Superman vs Batman filming or shock the hell out of casino patrons as a few thousand riders roll past ringing bells and tooting horns. Also you can enjoy holding up Tiger game traffic with your fellow riders.

Mmmmm graffiti and overgrowth.

That's how we roll.