Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Defending Champs Ride Roller Coaster of Season


The Maine Loggers have gone on the Mine Ride, Blue Streak, Corkscrew, Gemini, and Top Thriller Dragster (1 & 2) the past month.  The Loggers started the season in less than thrilling fashion, going 8-12 in their first 20 games.  Then, the champs put it into gear, winning an unprecedented 13 (THIRTEEN!) games IN A ROW.  Now, this writer has played Strat-o-Matic for pretty close to 50 years now, and I can pretty safely say that I've never won 13 games in a row in all that time.  

Then, just when it looked like there was no stopping this runaway freight train, it's gone in the opposite direction.  The 13 game win streak ended.....then they lost another.....and another.   Now SIX Losses in a row (And still counting), as suddenly the Loggers can do no right.  

What will happen next?  Will the six-game losing streak turn into 13 in a row?  Nothing can surprise at this point.  The second half of the season gets underway next week.  One thing is for sure in Maine: it's gonna be a wild ride.