Wednesday, January 18, 2017

King Odor(izzi)?

The Minnesota Men shocked the world when Jake Odorizzi was announced as starter for the one game tie-breaker against the Mt. Pleasant Train Wreck.  All-World David Price expectedly toe'd the slab for MtP.  Mikie Mahtook, who just found out hours ago he'd be playing for the Detroit Tigers in 2017, stepped up in the 2nd inning and slammed a dinger for the Men....Katie bar the door....the 2015 Champs were out for blood.  Multiple hits the rest of inning two gave the Men a 4-0 lead.  Jake O, O no you di'n't izzi gave the Wreck no room to breath.  No runs, 8 K's and 3 hits over 6 2/3 were all MtP could muster.  Speaking of mustard (word stretch), the men cut some in the ninth as they added three more insurance runs.  Final score, 7-0.  The Men are back in the postseason and three cities are shaking in their boots.  On to Beantown!!!


  1. So Jake Odor(izzi) really faced Rougned Odor in this one??? Congrats Scott, amazing finish by the Men. Good luck, should be some exciting matchups in Round 1 of the playoffs!

  2. I'm 1-1 in one game playoffs (former Gerbil franchise). I lost to the Wreck franchise when they were the Aztecs. Extra innings, down by one run, tried to move a runner to third with two outs on a 1-19...20. Game/season over. This was karma :)
