Carlos Gomez "Adams"
Christian "Bale" Vasquez
Jose "Joey Bats" Bautista
Nick "Catch A Falling Star" Castellanos
J.D. "Salinger" Martinez
Troy "Tulo" Tulowitzki
Russell "Industrial Center" Martin
Robinson "Crusoe" Chirnos
Sonny, Sonny, Sonny Gray
Jose Quintana (end of Jaws: "Quint?" "No.....")
Michael "Pinata" Pineda
Aaron "Chopped" Sanchez
Luke "I am Your Father" Gregerson
Carlos "Rodan - CAW!" Rodon
Jesse "Pinkman" Hahn
NL/Darvish Protected: Asdrubal "Ass-Double-Dribble" Cabrera
Probably a first in Friendship League history: A team protects 3 catchers.
Cut like a fart in the breeze:
Anthony (use Scooby Voice) GOSE?!
Shawn "Don't Mistake Me for Steve" Tolleson
Ryan "Where ya" Goins
Preston "Mother" Tucker
Zach "Turn Those Machines Back On!" Duke
Matt "Oh no! We suck again!" Albers
Available in this year's draft (as he always is!) Ryan "15 pieces of Flair" Flaherty. Tradition!
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: We need to talk about your flair.
Joanna: Really? I... I have fifteen pieces on. I, also...
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: Well, okay. Fifteen is the minimum, okay?
Joanna: Okay.
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: Now, you know it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or... well, like Brian, for example, has thirty seven pieces of flair, okay. And a terrific smile.
Joanna: Okay. So you... you want me to wear more?
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: Look. Joanna.
Joanna: Yeah.
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: People can get a cheeseburger anywhere, okay? They come to Chotchkie's for the atmosphere and the attitude. Okay? That's what the flair's about. It's about fun.
Joanna: Yeah. Okay. So more then, yeah?
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: Look, we want you to express yourself, okay? Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to wear more and we encourage that, okay? You do want to express yourself, don't you?
Joanna: Yeah, yeah.
Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: Okay. Great. Great. That's all I ask.
Wait, was the above a rerun from last year? And the year before? Rerun?!
Schwarzenager: "Killian. I'll be back."
Dawson: "Only in a rerun."
Well, last year we bid adieu to The Ol' Billy Barue Butler, and now this year we have to say goodbye to longtime Logger favorite Ben "Zobrilla" Zobrist. Zobrilla started out as a "Swiss Army Knife" for Maine, a reserve infielder, not unlike Ryan Flaherty. But he improved. Boy, did he improve. Made himself into really good hitter, could steal you a bag or two, and by his early 30's he was a "1" at second base. Unfortunately, when you have a guy on the Rays, you never know when they will trade him (hello, Will Myers?). Fortunately, he went to the A's, who then swapped him to the Royals. That bought him one more year with the Loggers. Finally, he just became too damn valuable, and the Cubbies signed him. We'll miss your bat at the top of our lineup....we'll miss your glove at 2B or in LF....we'll miss your cool nickname....we'll fondly remember "The Zobrilla Years" in Maine.
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